Build your own AI Service RECEPTIONIST in less than 2 minutes

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This is why you need to be faster

Here’s a scenario: A potential customer is interested in working with you, and they opt in or reach out to you. Aaaand, they don’t hear back from you for HOURS. Even waiting 15 minutes could wear somebody’s patience thin.

The reality is, if you don’t respond quickly, they’re probably going to get impatient and end up working with a competitor.

In order to convert the most inquiries into paying customers, you NEED to increase your lead velocity… And that means responding when a potential customer is ready to give you their money!

Your inquiry response time - defined as your "lead velocity" - is the differentiator between closing the deal and finishing second. And, the hard reality is there is no prize for finishing second.

Your customers have choices, and their expectation is to be followed up with in a timely manner… ESPECIALLY when they’re essentially throwing their money at you and basically ready to pay. For your organization, that requires a lean approach to inquiry response time, optimizing both inquiry processing time and representative response time.

If you’re interested in boosting your lead velocity and beating out the competition, chat with us below and/or schedule a simulation.

This could change everything for your business. Let us know if you have any questions at all.

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